Born and raised in Lima, Peru in 1985, Barbara Ilse Petzold Horna began her artistic career from childhood onwards. In 2004 she moved to Germany in order to study at the University of Bonn and graduated as M.A. in 2011 in Cultural Anthropology, Political Science and Hispano-American Philology. Since then, Barbara has continually been evolving as a plastic artist, anthropologist and teacher. She conceived the concept “ARThopology" which connects cultures and the plastic arts, revaluing the interdependencies and tensions between origins, disciplines, spaces and bodies as something nurturing and enriching.
Barbara Petzold Horna has exposed her artistic work in different galleries and cultural spaces, including the Imhoff chocolate museum in Cologne, one of the most visited museums in Germany. In addition, she worked as a teacher at the University of Bonn, and offers various workshops as well as she is developing cultural and curatorial projects. She currently resides in Utrecht, Netherlands. In summary, Barbara Petzold Horna is artist, anthropologist, Peruvian, German, migrant, woman and mother.
"Se me estiran las membranas, cada partecita de mi vientre te siente y trato ya de imaginarte. No logró soñarte pues con un latido o un movimiento me vuelves a la realidad. Sentirte es sensación, no ilusión. Es sensación “Ü”"